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Digital Marketing Consultants
and Services in UK

Data. Technology. Growth

An ROI-Focused Digital Growth for Your Business

The brilliant digital marketing consultants and services in UK are now available nationwide. Viva Digitals provides expert marketing insights, a data-driven approach, and ROI-focused professional service.
Digital Growth for Your business

We effectuate your business goals

We lift businesses to a new height. As digital growth marketer, we are committed to achieve your business goals and ensure maximum benefit in the digital world.

Our services

Types of digital marketing services we provide

Viva Digitals fuels better ideas for competitive growth. We make a brand seize the lime-light in the market through effective digital marketing services and consultation.

Strategic Modelling Services

Get audience detailing, analysis, behavioural insights, and conversion strategies prepared.
Strategic Modelling Services

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Increase organic visibility in SERP and get targeted traffic for quality leads and higher conversion.
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Tell your brand story by fostering an authentic online social community and building a long-term relationship.
Social Media Marketing

Search Engine Marketing

Reach the audience via faster online visibility, feed the searcher’s intent, and get a quality conversion.
Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Email Marketing

Grow your audience base via email list building and communicate with the target audience through personalised content.
Email Marketing

Chat Bots

Minimise support centre infrastructure cost and provide 24/7 support to your audience with an omnichannel facility.
Chat Bots

We’re result-oriented

We’re data-driven

We’re expansive

We’re digital genius

Our approach

Our strategic approach to conversion

We provide ingenious conversion assistance to our clients. Our proven strategic approach ensures they get the best results out of each digital marketing approach.

Goal setting

According to the requirements and existing situation of the client, our project manager then sets goals on behalf of the client.

Audience modelling

After successful goal setting, we create a rational audience modelling that includes segmentation, persona, intent, behaviour, etc.

Situation evaluation

The project manager then analyses the client’s current internal and external situation, such as marketing plan, SWOT, customer insights, etc.

Requirement inspection

To inspect requirements and merge the resources, a specialised project manager will be assigned to manage the entire digital marketing project.
Digital content creation services

Funnel planning

As the audience is classified into different funnel stages, it’s time to plan strategies for each stage according to audience segmentation.


The strategies are then reviewed and approved by the client. After the client’s approval, the project manager and the team executes them.

Reporting & optimisation

During the execution process, our team prepares reports for the clients, and the project manager optimises the process together.

Perplexed about the next move?

Discuss your project with us!

Get result-oriented consultation from our top digital marketing consultants. Submit your contact info, and one of our dedicated project managers will reach out to you shortly.
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Benefits of investing in digital marketing

The logic behind investing in a digital marketing operation

Digital marketing is an ever-evolving process that needs expert care. A digital marketing agency can help you with the brand’s overall growth.
Build verified leads with the right digital marketing actions and get higher customer retention for your business.
Establish an omnichannel strategic approach so that customers can interact and reach out to your business conveniently.
It’s always better to have higher conversion rates that digital marketing can ensure faster than any other marketing method.
Digital marketing is always more cost effective than traditional marketing. Plus, you can get real-time results for every penny spent.

Frequently asked question

Top digital marketing FAQs

Why should I choose digital marketing services from you?
We help to reach a larger audience, expand the business, and create more revenue. We help to set up a business online from scratch, conduct ad campaigns, and develop a content strategy, and provide result-driven insights that are worth your time and money.
I don’t know which service is best for my business. Can you help?

Choosing the right digital marketing service can be perplexing. So before wasting valuable time and opportunity , we suggest a free consultation. This will help to decide which service you need.

I only need SEO and PPC services. Can I customise it?

All of our services are customisable. To customise your service, please contact us.

What technologies do you use for chatbots?
We use AI and natural language processing (NLP) technologies for artificial intelligence chatbots to understand knowledge and detect sentence structure, which helps them better understand audience queries.
I have a list of cold leads. Can you turn them active through email marketing?
Yes. Based on behaviour, we segment the audience carefully to convert your cold leads into warm prospects. Then we establish a connection through personalised content until conversion.
What is your service plan?

To check out our complete service plan, please contact us.

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